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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Confession: I Procrastinate.

You may have noticed lately that my blog has been a little.....blank.  Trust me, I'm not a blank slate.  I'm not lacking any inspiration, by any means.  The only thing I am lacking is the inspiration to finish my work!  One example of my terrible procrastination:  I have two really great starts to two different art my head.  One of these projects HAS to be finished by the end of the month.  I don't why I procrastinate....  Okay, I do.  Maybe it's because I'm artistic, and that makes me scatterbrained?  Maybe it's because I come from a long line of procrastinators.  Dad, are you reading this? (hopefully not.)  But, I don't think those are the reasons for my failure these days.  I think it all sums up to these three things:  fear, laziness and pregnancy.  Okay, I got it out there.

I know you all thought I was like this golden goddess of perfection, much like my idols Martha Stewart and Doris Day:

Martha Stewart kills them with sweetness.

Just kidding. They aren't my idols.  I don't like their hair enough.  (PS - Martha's photo came from an article titled, "How To Be An Alpha Female".  Love it.)

No, I relate more to Cathy.

Cathy Comic Strip

I stubble out of bed in the morning looking like homeless, disgruntled old woman.  The most conversation you will get out of me in the morning is a few grunts (if you're lucky) and a head nod.  And the rest of day is one big train wreck.  Well, at least our apartment has been one big train wreck lately - thanks to my 20 month old and my lack of keeping up with the laundry.

Anyway, I need to get over this hurtle.  You see, I also have great ideas for this blog....but, I'm afraid to change anything because it took a lot of time and work to make my blog look just this nice.  But, truth is, after a lot of brainstorming (and a lot of procrastination) I have decided that I want this blog not only to be about artsy photography stuff, but, I also want it to be more personal as well.

Over the last few months I have made A LOT of progress in improving my overall health.  I used to take several medications for rheumatoid arthritis, all of which I am now off of thanks to a gluten free and overall healthier diet.  At least once a week I am asked how I decided to go G-Free, how my diet has helped, could it work for so-and-so's mom or friend that also has RA or some other autoimmune disease.  I have also had people that have absolutely no health problems mention that they could use help with creating healthier meals for their hubs, kiddos, whoever.  Anyway, I thought it would be great to have a blog that can answer all these kinds of questions.  Kinda like a one-stop shop sort of thing.  At first I thought I would create a totally separate blog just for G-Free/diet/autoimmune stuff, to keep everything more organized.  But, I'm too lazy for that.  Also, I recently came across this blog called The Pioneer Woman, which I was totally inspired by.  If you check out the blog, you will see why.

So, I need some help people.  Like a blog-whisperer or something.  I have some questions, such as:

1.  Can I keep the archives of this blog but change the URL address and title of the blog?  That's my biggest question.

2.  What should I rename the blog?  That's another big one.

3.  How do I set up the home page of my blog to keep people from forgetting that I also run a photography business?  Because I need the business.  Seriously.  We are buying a house soon.

4.  Overall organization?  I want it to be easy for people to navigate their way through the blog.  I hate clutter and hard to understand websites.

Any thoughts are welcome!  Let the brainstorming and WORK begin!

Ahhhh.  I feel much better now that I told ya'll my news.  It gives me more will-power to start working on all the changes I need to make.

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